elcome to the home of CUPE 1734, We represent the education workers of the York Region District School Board.

We support over 80 different classifications representing more than 3,500 members.

CUPE 1734 is a local within the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), the largest union in Canada, representing more than 700,000 members across the country who work in health care, education, municipalities, libraries, universities, social services, public utilities, transportation, emergency services and airlines. Over 60% of members are women and almost one-third are part-time workers.

CUPE 1734 is a member of the Ontario School Board Council of Unions (OSBCU), which unites 55,000 CUPE education workers in the Public, Catholic, English, and French school systems across the province.

CUPE 1734 is also affiliated with the Toronto & York Region Labour Council and the Canadian Labour Congress


  • Michelle Campbell
    Michelle Campbell President
  • Tom Robbins
    Tom Robbins Chief Steward
  • Carrie Tibbo
    Carrie Tibbo Vice President
  • Carolyn Rodrigues
    Carolyn Rodrigues 2nd Vice President
  • Darrin Vanslack
    Darrin Vanslack Health & Safety Executive Officer
  • Christine Thompson
    Christine Thompson Treasurer
  • Lauren Malcolm
    Lauren Malcolm Recording Secretary
  • Chris Kaspiris
    Chris Kaspiris Member At Large
  • Christina Bacci
    Christina Bacci Member at Large
  • Monica Melo-Manhsinh
    Monica Melo-Manhsinh Member at Large


  • Richard Burke
    Richard Burke
  • Bill Brunelle
    Bill Brunelle

Health & Safety

  • Darrin Vanslack
    Darrin Vanslack Health & Safety Executive Officer
  • Bill Brunelle
    Bill Brunelle Health & Safety Rep (100%)
  • Maria Lansing
    Maria Lansing Health & Safety Rep (50%)

Staff & Other Elected Positions

  • Kristen Bowman
    Kristen Bowman National Servicing Rep
  • Nicole D’Amico
    Nicole D’Amico Membership Officer


  • Carrie Silverberg
    Carrie Silverberg 2024-2027 Term
  • Bill Brunelle
    Bill Brunelle 2022-2025 Term
  • Nicole D’Amico
    Nicole D’Amico Temp Appointment (2023-2026 Term)